Racoon on the Roof!

IMG_0555This morning our sister-laundresses spotted a raccoon on the way to the laundry. It was walking down the sidewalk! Had they really seen a raccoon? Yes! We went for a walk on our grounds after supper as the weather was so nice. At our little cemetery our dog, Lady, began to bark, looking up at the roof. We thought it was a squirrel when, looking from the lower level of the roof we spotted the masked bandit. He, or maybe she, appeared rather large to us but when our intrepid photographer went inside to the large Tribune for the sick and opened the window, its real size emerged. We think it climbed a tree to get over the wall to the roof and was then going to IMG_0558descend via a dogwood tree. It’s not on the roof now! Thank you, Lord, for adding to our recreation! Check our Facebook page for more photos.