Now, what [the Mistress] shall endeavor most to make them conceive and well understand is principally the intention which they should have had in the election they have made, of leaving the world to retire to the Monastery, namely, to unite themselves more perfectly to God. (St.
Francis de Sales)
Steps Along the Way |
The postulancy, which lasts from six months to a year, is meant to permit a gradual transition from life in the world to life in the novitiate. It allows the postulant to experience living in a contemplative community, to intensify her prayer life and to increase her knowledge of Jesus Christ.
At her reception into the Novitiate, the Sister receives the habit of the Order and the white veil. This period gives the novice space and time to study her response to the call of Christ.
At the end of the two-year novitiate, the sister makes, for three years, profession of the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the Constitutions of the Order of the Visitation. This is done in a public ceremony during the Eucharistic Liturgy. As a sign of her consecration to the Lord, she receives the silver profession cross and her religious name. |
three years the sister
may be admitted to
solemn vows. At this
time she receives
the black veil.
“This is the
way, my dear Sisters.
Grace will never be
wanting to us if we
are faithful in seconding
its attractions; thus
will God bless us and
our labors.” (St.
Jane de Chantal) |